Monday, April 11, 2016

Wrong city, wrong job

In total, this group has spent over $40,000 on boondoggle type travel. I know, I know. If you asked them, they would tell you these trips were oh so important.

I guess I have made a mistake in my life. I am living in the wrong city and for a career, did the wrong job. I could have had a much better gig if I had just been paying attention. Or if I did not mind selling my soul. I could have lived in Minneapolis and been on the city council. Of course, I would have to do a 180 degree turn in my politics. And my virtues.

This group of homogeneous statists can spend money almost as fast as it is printed. But that is not my problem - only for those who live and/or work in our once fair city. Today it was disclosed what some of the city funded travels this merry group has had. My personal favorite, Alondra Cano (who has been in the spotlight a few months ago for something else), has traveled to Spain, Mexico, France and Washington DC. All at a cost of just over $8,000.

In total, this group has spent over $40,000 on boondoggle type travel. I know, I know. If you asked them, they would tell you these trips were oh so important. Three of the council members had the guts to say no, and did not take any trips. If I lived in the city, here are the questions I would ask. Did these trips bring down the cost of government to the city? Could the city have survived without these trips? What were the takeaways? 

The nice thing about this council is it not bi-partisan. Nope. All Democrats with one Independent. Republicans are no longer welcomed in Minneapolis. The only good Republicans are to the statists who run the city is being a cash cow. They only want the money Republicans have. That is it. Other than that, they have no use for them.

I have said this for a while now about the City of Minneapolis. This is the beginning of the end. The birth pangs before the implosion. The takers who ride in the wagon are growing by leaps and bounds, and the makers are getting the heck out of Dodge. Soon, Minneapolis will have a balance sheet looking a lot like Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia or any other blue city you can name. And then the death spiral starts. 

So City Council, sit behind your fancy mahogany thrones and legislate and travel to your heart's content. The minions who elected you have no clue on what is coming. And when it hits, tears will flow down the streets like salty rivers. But it will be too late. The city will be ruined. Unfettered boondoggle travel is only a canary in the coal mine. It is a sign of much, much bigger mismanagement of a very large and growing budget. 

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