Monday, September 12, 2016

Changing our Constitution

"Our Constitution still is one heck of a document!"

I have grown very tired of hearing many of the Loony Left tell the rest of us we need to update our Constitution. That it is very "dated", and out of step with modern times. This is usually the same group who tells us we also need to update the Holy Bible. That too, has become dated. This is after all, the year 2016.

Thinking about it more closely, maybe there are some minor changes which need to be made to the Constitution. Therefore, I have come up with the following list of suggested changes:

  • First off, the document itself is mostly in fine shape. The Framers were very adept in putting much wisdom in very few words. I will try to be just as succinct.
  • Instead of a maximum of two four year terms for a President, he or she would only serve one six (6) year term. No matter who is President, it seems like the campaign for the second term starts halfway through the first term. That is a waste of money and focus.
  • Senators will continue to serve six year terms. The difference will be a Senator will be limited to two (2) six year terms. Twelve years is long enough for any Senator to "leave a mark".
  • Congress will be four (4) year terms rather than two year terms. Way, way too much time in a two year term is spent on getting ready for the next election. By serving a four year term, more time can be spent on the job rather than worrying about re-election. In addition, each member of Congress will be limited to three (3) four year terms. Again, twelve years is long enough for any Congressman or woman to "leave a mark".
  • We have way, way too many old farts on Capitol Hill. Besides term limits, we need an age limit. No person should be allowed to run for President if they are over 60 years of age. For any term. No person should be allowed to serve in any part of government after 70 years old. Mandatory retirement is a must. 
  • Here is the real big change. As wise as our Framers were, they really missed the target on this one. The Supreme Court. No more lifetime appointments. Period. Once a justice is nominated and confirmed, that justice will only serve for a maximum of six (6) years.
Those are my changes. That is it. Everything else is just fine, thank you. Our Constitution still is one heck of a document!  

1 comment:

  1. I actually want Congress to have LESS time to concentrate on meeting. We have far too many laws as it is. Far better that they are campaigning than "working".
