Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Playing defense seldom wins the game

"I mean, when the topic of cyber security came up, it was a low hanging fast ball for the Trumpster. He could have knocked that one out of the park."

I watched the debate last night. Parts of it more than once, as it was played over and over and over again. Was I pleased, surprised or disappointed? None of the above. Okay - maybe it was a bit disappointing that Donald Trump did not go for the kill shot a couple of times. It seems that Lester was too busy trying to be the truth detective with Trump - he did have the time to ask the "low fruit on the tree" questions of Hillary.

I mean, when the topic of cyber security came up, it was a low hanging fast ball for the Trumpster. He could have knocked that one out of the park. And when questioned about how he has treated women, Donald could have looked directly at Hillary and asked, "Do we really want to go down this road?" Instead, he played defense.

During the past two presidential elections, we had John McCain and Mitt Romney throwing softballs at our very vulnerable President and President to be. Why? They did not want to be accused of being a "you know what". And now we have a woman running for President, and it seems that Trump is being cowed by her sex. You know - another "historic first". Makes we wonder who the Democrats will run the next time - a Martian, so it can be one more "historic first"?

Some people think these debates don't mean squat. Others say they are of the highest importance. My feeling is simply this - it is not only a chance to sell yourself to the American people, but when you have a total phony like Hillary sharing the stage with you, what an opportunity to peel her skin off and expose here for the charlatan she is. 

I suppose the good news is that Donald did not step on any land mines last night. The bad news is he did not return fire as effectively as many of us hoped he would. I hope his team has him looking over the films from last night's event - just like a football team does after a game. 

The next debate will be your chance Mr. Trump. Remember, in this battle we go for the win. Not the tie, not a gentle loss, we go for the BIG WIN. You are a smart man sir - let's go for it!

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