Saturday, September 3, 2016

The race against time

"We may be upset with Trump that he muffed up the immigration speech. We may be upset he is not the candidate we really wanted. But every time we learn more about Hillary at the State Department, the better the Donald looks."

It has been said in the world of politics, it you want to reveal something which is embarrassing, damning or both, do it on a Friday afternoon - as late as possible. However, it you really want to release something where it will be hidden or unnoticed, do it on a Friday afternoon before a holiday weekend. And that is exactly what happened yesterday.

What did we learn yesterday about Clinton's State Department? Not much - except the depths of incompetence and/or deceit were much deeper than originally thought. Stupid things like Hillary admitting see did not know what the "C" stood for on classified documents. If that is true, she was unfit to be a United States Senator, defiantly unfit to be Secretary of State, and damn sure unfit to be POTUS.

However, what we did learn that was new yesterday, was how much the FBI had been coopted. They are now a political organization just like the IRS. It was the FBI who timed the release of this most damning evidence to be on a Friday afternoon before Labor Day weekend. It was the FBI who did not lift a finger to prosecute anyone after evidence they requested from Clinton was destroyed or "lost". It was the FBI who decided to let Clinton skate on a variety of infractions which would have sunk an ordinary person.

So here we are, a scant two months and days prior to the election, and it is a race against time. Will the gravity of the situation with Clinton get through to the low information crowd in time? Or will they be like sheep, running to catch the Democratic Pied Piper, as she leads them over the cliff. 

We may be upset with Trump that he muffed up his immigration speech. We may be upset he is not the candidate we really wanted. But every time we learn more about Hillary at the State Department, the better the Donald looks. The thought that someone might come into Washington and re-tool organizations which are sadly broken (like the VA, the IRS, Education, Energy, Justice, FBI and so on) is intoxicating.

If we have learned nothing else from the Obama Administration, it is just how broken Washington is. It is just too bad the dysfunction has now reached as far as the FBI.

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean, "muffed up"?? That speech was bang on and near perfect. The only thing wrong with it was that it didn't force the media to cover it honestly, which they were never going to do anyway.

    Maybe the Donald should give up "crooked Hillary" and start saying "incompetent Hillary," because whenever the Clintons are given the choice of one of those two explanations, they pick incompetence every time.
