Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Real change for a change

"The real change I am looking for starting in 2017 is true governance. Square pegs in square holes, round pegs in round holes, and so on. Article One of our Constitution is as clear as a bell in enumerating which powers reside where."

About eight years ago, we had this unknown guy out of Chicago beat Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. His platform that won it? "Hope and change". Not much more than that. But as Joe Biden said (I will paraphrase), "His pants have a nice pleat and he talks well." With all of that, Barack Obama went on to beat John McCain in the general election. John McCain, who was an experienced Senator and a war hero.

We all know by now how that turned out. There was change alright - but in the wrong direction. For example, according to the latest Rasmussen poll, only 28% of likely voters think this country is headed in the right direction. 65% think we are headed in the wrong direction. In fact, looking back five years, every time the poll was taken more people thought we were headed in the wrong direction than in the right direction. 

I am now going to say what others much smarter than I have said before. As important as the Presidential race is, it is not more important than the down ticket races. However, there is a caveat with that statement. Congress must start to follow the Constitution. If they did, they would be our most powerful branch of government. Because Congress has become more of a debate society than a governing body, they have allowed the President (by fiat) to assume powers he or she should never have.

The real change I am looking for starting next year is true governance. Square pegs in square holes, round pegs in round holes. Article One of our Constitution is as clear as a bell in enumerating which powers reside where. In the past eight years, we have ignored that foundational article to such a degree that we have had to fit the wrong pegs in the right holes. That needs to stop. And now.

I have said this before. It is almost amusing to hear Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump out on the stump promising the gullible what they will deliver upon election. Neither one can deliver spit. They don't have the power to do so. That is, unless Congress cedes that power to the next President in the same fashion they did to Obama. 

Someone needs to put their arm around Speaker Ryan and remind him of how much power he wields. In many respects, his power should be unmatched in Washington. Regardless if there is a party difference or not, the new President MUST be able to operate within the boundary of the Constitution when working with Congress - especially the Speaker.

I am very serious when I say I am much more focused on the down tickets in this election. Someone asked me a while ago if I thought this country could survive a Clinton Presidency. My answer was surprising to that person - I said yes. However, only if Congress acted in a Constitutional manner. If Congress does not, and a President Clinton gets power by fiat (like Obama did), then my answer would have been a resounding NO. 

Do we need real change for a change? You bet. We first need to elect people who are true Consitutionalists. Then we will get true hope and change - not just another slogan.        

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