Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Life in the basket...

"And I am thinking that life in the basket of deplorables is not so bad. After all, we have our values. Our work ethic. Our veracity." 

I have had a great day. I managed (with my wife's help of course), to get a butt load of stuff done. Now it is time to relax. To look back. To reflect. And I am thinking that life in the basket of deplorables is not so bad. After all, we have our values. Our work ethic. Our veracity. You know what I mean. The people I know who also live in this basket are solid citizens. Very good people.

If it was Hillary's intent to shame us, to make us feel bad, by calling us a bad name - it backfired. Many, including myself, wear this new moniker like a badge of honor. And to make matters worse for the Democrats, there was Sunday. On one of the Sunday morning shows, Stephanie Cutter was on a panel to defend Hillary. She was asked if Hillary regretted saying this horrible thing about Trump supporters. Stephanie, who at one time worked for Obama, answered this way (paraphrased) - "I  think what she said was almost correct. The right answer is that far more than half of those who support Trump belong in that basket."

Bingo! Once again, even though I have said this a hundred times before over the years - there is nothing the Republicans can do or say to the Democrats that is worse than what they do to themselves. And this misstep of Hillary's is one of the worse I have seen. Ever. Stephanie Cutter just put the exclamation point on it.  

I think Donald Trump summed it up nicely. He said that Hillary insulted many of the people that make this country go. The producers. The people who love God, love family, love liberty. They are patriots. If this is what Hillary thinks are deplorable people, go for it.

By the way, I can count the number of people who I have met in the Tea Party who are racists on zero fingers. The same goes for sexists. Sorry Hillary, they don't live here.

One more thing about life in the basket. People who here are not afraid to call a spade a spade. We know the debt is unsustainable. We know this nation is broke and has no more money. We know the tax code is unfair and lately has been used as a weapon. We know the VA is a mess and it hurts our veterans. We also know that abortions kill the most vulnerable of us, and each baby killed is an affront to God. And we are not afraid to tell what we know. 

Back to relaxing. Time to watch the news. Tonight we will find out how Hillary's folks destroyed evidence. Valuable evidence contained on hard drives and Blackberry phones. So the beat goes on.

It is hard to believe that it is us in the basket who are the "bad guys", and not the ones committing the crimes. Only in Hillary's universe.

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