Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Our UN Tipping Point

"One might now ask, how is this charter going to keep the North Koreans behaving? How to keep them from testing more nukes? More missiles? How is it going to keep the Iranians from developing a nuke?"

Is there anyone else out there who feels we might be getting close to a tipping point with both North Korea and Iran? Where provocations by both of these nations seem to be increasing at an increasing rate? One might be tempted to ask, "Where is the United Nations in all of this? After all, are they not chartered to keep the peace?" Technically yes, but in reality no.

Article One, Section One reads as follows:

"To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace."

Now before some might read the above quote and think "What a bunch of goo!", remember this: We established the United Nations in 1945, because the former League of Nations proved to be way too feckless. So we wanted something with some teeth in it (Ha!). All this for an annual bill of $8B (plus a section of New York City for its headquarters).

Then one might ask, how is this charter going to keep the North Koreans behaving? How to keep them from testing more nukes? More missiles? How is it going to keep the Iranians from developing a nuke? From harassing our ships in international waters? Our planes in international skies? Three words - they will not. 

Talk to the Coptic Christians and see how much help the UN has been for them. Mass genocide has been going on for years with no help coming. This UN charter is as worthless as the paper it is written on. The UN has become as worthless as the former League of Nations. It has turned into a debate society with the prime objective of globalization with a huge dose of income re-distribution thrown in for good measure. 

With all these bubbling cauldrons in the world right now, what is the UN interested in? You got it - taking over the internet. I don't recall that being a part of the UN charter. As far as I am concerned, the growing list of people who believe we should not be involved with the UN is spot on. We should keep our $8B, and evict the UN out of New York City.

One final thing about the North Koreans and the Iranians. Since it is obvious that the UN will do NOTHING to corral in these two rouge nations, it will have to be up to us. As John Bolton said on the news yesterday, "If we had a real President, a President who believes in peace through strength, we might not have these problems."

True words Ambassador Bolton, very true words indeed. 

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