Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Obama's unintended gift

"Whereas Hillary always looks like an undertaker when campaigning, Obama looks like a barker in a midway side show. He is in his element."

I know, I know. It is jaw dropping. One might ask, "How in the world did this happen?" A 58% approval rating? For a person many think might be our worst President since Jimmy Carter? Some even thing he might be even WORSE than Carter! But there it was. Published this morning. A shade less than 60% approval rating.

As our old economics teachers always told us, the devil is in the details. But first, my opinion. Even though Donald Trump has been looking better on the campaign trail, there is quite a bit of damage left in his wake. In other words, to many he still does not look that good. To some, even flawed. And Hillary is on a fast trajectory downward. So comparing the two candidates to what we have now in the White House, it makes Obama look much better than what he really is.

Also, the left leaning press is working overtime to put lipstick on this pig called our economy. Today the front page news in huge font was, "Biggest income gain in 50 years!" A low information voter could look at that headline and think we were in the Roaring Twenties. It may be true that the increase was the largest in 50 years, but the mean income today is still not as high as it was in 2007. 

What do we know for sure? First off, the national debt has almost doubled under Obama. Should Clinton be elected, and if she is able to enact her additional socialist policies, the debt could be as high as $30T by the time she leaves office in eight years. We still have close to 100 million people out of the work force. That number includes 10 million men who could be working but are not. This has allowed a true double digit unemployment rate to look like a rate in the U3 index of about 5%.

Obama is in his glory right now. Buoyed by his new approval rating, he is on the campaign trail, acting as a surrogate for Hillary. Whereas Hillary always looks like an undertaker when campaigning, Obama looks like a barker in a midway side show. He is in his element. Just like when he was a community organizer. All he is missing is the bullhorn. 

Stay tuned folks. This most unusual year of politics is not over year. Zany could yield to even more zany before the big November event. 

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