Tuesday, September 13, 2016

This most unusual year...

"Running for President has got to be one of the most grueling things we subject our bodies to. Constant airplane time, constant eating on the road, constant talking to crowds." 

It has often been said that at times truth is stranger than fiction. Amen to that one! This year's political events could be the poster child to that saying. Or, as my wife often states, "You just can't make this stuff up!"

Every year election year I say the same thing. I don't understand how these people do it. Often times, they are up in the years. In other words, they are not "spring chickens". Running for President has got to be one of the most grueling things we subject our bodies to. Constant airplane time, constant eating on the road, constant talking to crowds. This year for the first time, one of the seniors running for President is suffering from the rigors of trying to make it through that gauntlet.

As many know who read my blog, I am not a fan of the Clintons. That being said, I do NOT wish anything bad on Hillary Clinton. She is not well right now. It might be something much more serious than allergies or pneumonia. She needs rest. She needs to retire.

My feeling is her time as Secretary of State took a huge toll on her. Way too much travel. Way too much time just sitting on airplanes. For her sake, the sake of her daughter and grandchildren, she needs bow out. She has had her time in the spotlight for decades now. Let a younger person take her place on the ticket.

What else has happened of late to make this most unusual year live up to its name? Yes, the lawsuit. Was I offended the DFL filed suit to keep Donald Trump's name off the ballot? Not a bit. I thought it was humorous. It never stood a snowball's chance, and most of us knew it. It once again exposed the DFL party in Minnesota for being buffoons.

One of my social media friends posted this morning a local television station showed a map of Minnesota being bright blue for the Presidential race. Translation - Trump does not stand a chance in November of carrying Minnesota. Is that a surprise? Not a bit. 

Minnesota is so blue from an electoral standpoint, it could not even vote for Ronald Reagan in his historic 1984 landslide victory. No, Minnesota has not voted Republican since 1972 when it went for Nixon. That was so long ago, I was still on active duty in the Navy during that election.

I will say again, this year has been so unusual, so goofy in the Presidential race, it is imperative we focus on the down tickets. Vote for people who govern by our Constitution. That has always been, and continues to be our hope. If we do that, and get Constitutional minded people elected, no matter who wins the Presidential vote, we will survive. Trust me, we will. 

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