Saturday, November 26, 2016

And what if???

"The election is over. The transition has begun. The adults in the room understand that. Snowflakes and sixty year old hippies - not so much." 

Let me first start off by saying the chance of this happening does not have a snowball's chance. However, for the sake of entertainment this afternoon, let's play with it. We will assume that the recount is done in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, and all three states flipped over to Hillary. What would the outcome be?

Assume that once the recounts are done, they are verified within a fraction of an inch. There is no doubt - Hillary barely takes all three of those states. Donald Trump would have already picked his cabinet. The train is barreling down the tracks, headed for a January 20th inauguration. Even if Trump did not contest the recount and conceded the election to Clinton, she would be hard pressed to have a cabinet ready by inauguration day.

Next, is this a job she still wants? There are more elected Republicans in this country now then since before the Great Depression. Paul Ryan already has his legislative plan set for 2017 - and it ain't like Hillary's. With a recalcitrant House and Senate, nothing of hers would get passed. None of her SCOTUS appointees would get confirmed. All she would be able to do is veto everything that the House and Senate threw at her, and then hope her vetoes are sustained.

With a President Trump, the House might (just might) take its foot off the gas with further investigations of Hillary. However if we end up with a President Clinton, I have a feeling it would be full speed ahead. The House would be investigating every nook and cranny on "server-gate" as well as Benghazi. It would make the Watergate hearings look like a church picnic.

Okay - back to reality. This might have been the dumbest thing Jill Stein ever did in her life. There is a chance it will succeed - about the same chance as winning the Power Ball. Even Clinton's team looked into the possibility of any tampering or hacking with the polling booths. They found nothing - and they would have the most to gain by finding ANYTHING!

The election is over. The transition has begun. The adults in the room understand that. Snowflakes and sixty year old hippies - not so much. 

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