Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Reversal of Fortune...

"The smart Democrats are trying to shake off the sucker punch and ask 'what just happened?' The not so smart Democrats are reacting with anger and acting like - well, crybabies."

My, oh my, does time ever fly! It is hard to believe it was just a month ago, with the 2016 election looming, many pundits were forecasting the end, the demise, of the Republican Party. This renegade named Donald Trump, was going to split this party open like an overripe watermelon. The Republicans were not only going to get shut out of the White House (again), but they were going to lose the Senate and a good chance of even losing the House. What was left of the Republican Party would have to be reconstituted into some kind of new party.

Flash forward to today. Less than a month after the election. Much of the narrative from above is still true. Only not with the Republican Party - now with the Democrat Party. The smart Democrats are trying to shake off the sucker punch and ask "what just happened?" The not so smart Democrats are reacting with anger and acting like - well, crybabies. 

Donald Trump, who many on the Left thought was nothing but a buffoon, has made the Democrat Party look like the party of buffoons. Because many Democrats have forgotten their history, they fell into the same trap they did in 1980 and 1984. They underestimated a unconventional Republican candidate.

It seems like every time the Republicans (as of late) have run a conventional candidate, they end up having had their hats handed to them. However, with Reagan and Trump, both unconventional candidates, the opposite happened. In fact, the Republican revolution in 2016 was even greater than in the 1984 Reagan landslide 1984. We now have more Republicans in office (including state and local) since just about forever.

I will be watching in interest to see how the Democratic Party reconstitutes itself in the months going forward. Will it elect Keith Ellison to be the Chair of the DNC and continue to lurch leftwards? I sure hope so. It will be their death spiral. Will Elizabeth Warren continue to shriek and moan in the Well of the Senate? Will she be the new face of the Democratic Party. Again, I sure hope so. She only helps Republicans.

The bottom line is simply this. This historic majority the Republicans have now can only be threatened by one thing - the Republican Party. Right now they control just about everything. The world (or should I say the country) is their oyster. They can do great things, historic things, and fill up many history books for years to come.

Or they can do like they have done in the past - nothing. And when the American public sees that the Republican Party was all show and no go - the Republicans will be gone. Replaced by either a "new" Democratic Party or maybe a new party all together.

This is going to be the best, and maybe last chance the Republicans have to govern. Let's see if they can get it right this time.    

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