Saturday, November 12, 2016

The missed message

"Here is what happened in a nutshell. They missed the message. What message? The message the people were sending."

Many of us when we were younger had the wind knocked out of us. Or, we were "sucker punched" by the neighborhood bully (both have happened to me). As we were laying the ground trying to catch or breath, or clear the cobwebs out of our heads, a common question came to us - "What just happened?" Ladies and gentlemen - that is the question which millions of Democrats have been asking themselves all week.

Here is what happened in a nutshell. They missed the message. What message? The message the people were sending. Not the message of the progressives, the Loony Left, the anarchists, the limo liberals - none of them. The Democrats missed the message sent by the rank and file. The real "Joe Six Pack" crowd. The rank and file. The bill payers. The folks who inhabit "fly over land". Yes, that is right - us.

Who would I blame if I were a Democrat? And if I could hear the message? First off, the current President. The one who sold us this bill of goods called ObamaCare. People could somewhat accept ObamaCare once it became evident the $2,500 premium savings would never happen. People could somewhat accept ObamaCare when the promise of "If you like your doctor, you can keep you doctor" was proven false. But this year, when the people that pay the bills (not the free riders), found out their monthly healthcare premium would be higher than their mortgage payment - that was the last straw.

Next, I would blame Hillary Clinton. Even though she blames "sexism" and Jame Comey for her defeat, I blame her economic plan (or lack thereof) for her defeat. When people are suffering, when jobs created, no where resemble jobs lost, when wages have been stagnant for over a decade, people like us notice these things. And all Hillary could say was, "I will put Bill in charge of the economy". Really Mrs. Clinton? Before you put him in charge of anything, check the East Wing of the White House. He might not be behaving himself.

Finally, I blame the Democratic Party. What an out of touch bunch of ideologues! In the county in which I live (forgive me for saying this), if you ran as a Democrat, you might as well as have had a "kick me" sign pasted to your back. Almost across the board, every Republican who ran in this county did not only win, but won by a large margin. Why? The county Republicans, like Donald Trump, heard the message. And the message was not "more of the same please!' - it was "FIX ME!".

To the Democrats, I will give this advice. Listen to the will of the people. Not just the elite who love to live vertically on both coasts. Listen to the people who inhabit this country. In "fly over" land. Who are they? Americans. Where are they? Check out the map of the counties who voted "red" this election. Hint - it looks the same just about every election. 

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