Friday, November 25, 2016

Stick a fork in it!

"First off, I would say this woman is nuttier than a fruitcake, but that is an insult to fruitcakes." 

Oh - my - gosh! Someone please tell me this is a joke! It should be a joke as it became a LOL moment for me when I first heard the news! It seems that Dr. Stein (who might need a cognitive exam herself after this one is over), suspects skulduggery in the 2016 election. "Powerful Forces" (oh, to have some thunder and lighting to go along with that phrase) were at work! FOR SURE in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. 

And why would the good doctor think that something was "rotten in Denmark" in those three states? Because Donald Trump won them of course! It had NOTHING to do with Trump out working Clinton. It had NOTHING to do with the people of those rust belt states being sick and tired of being sick and tired. No - Dr. Stein suspects something sinister. Sinister like hacking the voting machines. There is simply no other explanation. These states are owned by the Democratic Party. There is no way a new comer Republican like Trump could have won any of them!

Well here is the rest of the story. First off, I would say this woman is nuttier than a fruitcake, but that is an insult to fruitcakes. Second, why in the world would someone who received less than 1% of the vote nationally, give a rip. If anyone should, it should be Hillary. If Stein really wants to track down a conspiracy, have her look in the mirror. Third (and most important), there is no "there", there. No indication by anyone there were any problems with any of the voting machines. 

Let's face facts. Even though she ran under the Green Party logo, Jill Stein is nothing but a Democrat and former hippie. The election is over, President Elect Trump has been talking to foreign leaders, selecting his cabinet, and rounding out his first 100 days agenda. The train has left the station Dr. Stein. And no matter how much money you and Soros throw at this thing, it is not going to change the outcome.

So as they say when the roast is done and it is time to eat, "stick a fork in it". It is done, over, and see ya later.  

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