Friday, November 25, 2016

Snowflakes in Minneapolis!

"According to an urban dictionary, a "snowflake" is a young adult who is prone to taking offense to just about anything and less much resilient than previous generations."

Sorry, my friend - this is not a weather report. Nor am I posting on something I hope happens this winter. No, "snowflake" seems to have taken on a new meaning - and it ain't good. What do I mean by that? Before I go into the new "urban definition", let me just start by saying if our parents or grandparents who fought in World War II were "snowflakes", we would all be fluent in German and Japanese right now. 

Okay - so what in the heck is a "snowflake"? According to an urban dictionary, a "snowflake" is a young adult who is prone to taking offense to just about anything, and less much resilient than previous generations. Many times they are Millennials. And also, frequently (like in the City of Minneapolis), very liberal. 

For example, after this last election they are crushed. The "snowflakes" started to melt. They don't know how to cope with defeat or disappointment. Not how they were raised. What happened was not suppose to happen.

I have seen plenty of these "snowflakes" in the depths of Minneapolis. And they are not all Millennials. Some are Gen-X types as well. They live in their own cocoon. Some of them are anarchists - yet some of them love Big Government. They despise absolute authority, such as what comes out of the Holy Bible and the United States Constitution. I will be the first to say that not all Millenniums and Gen-X types are "snowflakes". I have met some who are not. But based on what I read in the local paper, there are many, many "snowflakes" in that town.

By the way - the Mayor of Minneapolis (whom I assume to be Gen-X), is one of the biggest "snowflakes". How she and the Chief of Police (who might also be one) want to handle crime is more than a joke. There was a article in today's paper about the Mayor and Police Chief. How to deal with gangs. Maybe pay them not to be bad? We don't want to offend anyone. And no profiling of any type. I have read some of the things the Mayor has proposed. What a flipping Euphorian she is, as well as "snowflake"!

Well "snowflakes", here is the truth. Grow up! It will not help putting 100 diaper pins on your jacket. Your girl lost, and it is a good thing. The grown ups had to suffer through 8 years of Obama, 8 years of Clinton and 4 years of Carter. None of us wore diaper pins. This is life. If you don't like the outcome of an election, grow up and come up with a candidate who will gain the support of the majority of the voters. We did in 2016 - and he won.

It pains me to write this article, it really does. I would like the next generation to be heartier than the past ones. Instead, they are "snowflakes" - delicate little flowers who can start to fade at the drop of a hat. "Snowflakes" don't build nations - they melt whenever the heat is just a bit high. We need glaciers to move forward. They can stand the heat as well as move mountains.


1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. These last couple of generations need to get knocked down on their asses a few times before they understand what life is all about. One of my younger relatives got pissed at me because I responded to a comment she posted on her website. She was incensed that I would do that. Hey, if you make a statement or post it on a public site, expect to get opposing rhetoric. Expect to be told you are wrong. Suck it up and move on. If these "snowflakes" are going to be running America, they need to learn what is truly about and how to communicate.
