Sunday, November 20, 2016

Do you hear the people sing?

"Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It will be the music of the people
who will not be slaves again..."
Les Miserables 

No - this has nothing to do with the French Revolution. Or does it? After all, this song is about liberty. And liberty is an ancient word, coming from the Latin word which means "free". And then to the French who cast it as "liberte". And then to our spelling of liberty. The spelling changed, but the meaning did not.

The show (and movie) Les Miserables was about the struggle of the people during the French Revolution. It is one of my favorites. And in the movie is a song which (in my humble opinion) is timeless. It paints the picture of liberty and the people's love for it as good as any song ever written. It is called Do you hear the people sing? and every time I hear it, I get a lump in my throat. It reminds me of why I served, why I love this country so dearly. And the song starts as follows:

"Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It will be the music of the people
who will not be slaves again..." 

A friend of mine pointed out to me (as he also loves this song) that this song does not only apply to the French Revolution, not only the American Revolution, but any struggle, any place, where people yearn to be free. And one thing that history has taught us is that freedom is not free. Freedom is not guaranteed. If it is not protected, and guarded, it can be lost. 

Last week millions of people spoke once again. They thought their freedom, their liberty was at stake. So they voted for what they hoped would be a reformation. However - voting for liberty, and receiving liberty, are not always the same. It is important - no imperative, that liberty loving people stay vigilant. Stay "tuned in". Pay attention. And after any election, liberty can be eroded. Or sometimes even lost. Yes, it is that fragile.

Last Tuesday did the people sing? Maybe. But they did speak. And the collective voice was deafening. So for all people who did not hear that collective voice, including the "nambie pambies" from the Broadway show Hamilton - listen once again. Last Tuesday was not about Donald Trump. It was not about Mike Pence. It was not about holding the House and Senate. It was all about liberty. 

Yes, liberty. Scores of people "singing the song of angry men". Angry that their liberty and freedoms were at stake. Never underestimate a people's yearning for liberty.    

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