Thursday, November 3, 2016

The ACA, tied up with a bow!

"Every Democrat running for any election, from the President down to the local dogcatcher, should be tattooed with this debacle."

Let us just for a minute, forget about the email scandal. Forget about Benghazi. Forget about the Clinton Crime Family (Clinton Foundation). Forget about all the damning information coming from Wikileaks. Forget about Russia, Iran, North Korea and ISIL. Forget about everything rotten to the core with this Clinton crowd. Then, the only thing we would have left for a juicy campaign issue would be the sky rocketing premiums due to the (Un)Affordable Care Act.

Every Democrat running for any election, from the President down to the local dogcatcher, should be tattooed with this debacle. Last week, a friend of mine sent me a copy of her "new" ObamaCare driven health care premiums. Now she and her husband are middle age, with no big health issues. One would think that premiums going from year to year would be no big sweat. However, their monthly premium right now in 2016 is a jaw dropping $1,700! That alone should stop anyone in their tracks. However, they were just informed their premium in 2017 would go up to a whopping $2,700 a month! Then, for the final salt on the wound, the insurance company said, "This is only an estimate. Your December bill will have your final amount." 

In the paper today, Tim Walz (CD 1 Congressman) was asked about the Affordable Care Act. It is troubling, and he would like to "revisit" it. What? Revisit the biggest mess in the history of healthcare? It would be like revisiting the Titanic so you could sink all over again! This health care bill is not only flawed, it is rotten to the core. The people who said you can't get something for nothing in 2009 were not so dumb after all. The additional costs did not go away - the increased. And they have just been deflected. Now they are popping up in everyone's (who is over the poverty line) premiums.

Here is the future as I (and many much smarter than I) see it. These sky high premiums are going to be a short term issue. They will be short term if the Republicans take the Presidency and boost their numbers in the House and Senate. If they are good to their word, they will then repeal and replace the ACA (might be easier said than done, however). If Clinton wins, and the Democrats take the House and Senate, hello single payer. We will be in Euro style health care, rationing and all, paid for by our national debt.

Never has our healthcare future been so critical in an election. We are truly at the fork in the road. One direction leads to the very painful and laborious task of undoing this cancer from our healthcare system. The other fork is surrender. Things are so mucked up right now, that the only way out is giving into single payer. Wait and see - four years from now, we will not be having this same conversation.

This is it folks. Next Tuesday. This election will be for all the marbles with our healthcare. Good luck to us all. Elections do have consequences. And we do get the government we deserve. After all, we did get ObamaCare visited upon us. 

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