Monday, June 20, 2016

Delicious Irony

"The only ones who escape by shoulder to cry on are union types who supported ObamaCare when it was first being hatched." 

This is a bad week to get sick if you live in the Twin Cities. It seems one of our major health care providers, Allina, is being struck by its nurses union. For working conditions? For patient safety? For better wages? Nope. The skyrocketing cost of health care.

Normally, I am very sympathetic to anyone who is affected by the treachery and deceit of ObamaCare. The only ones who escape by shoulder to cry on are union types who supported ObamaCare when it was first being hatched. Since most unions are Democratic strongholds, the nurses union all supported ObamaCare. To put it in old west terms - they now know what it is like to be shot with their own gun.

Here are the facts about ObamaCare, the "getting more for less program" of our wonderful President. Rates have skyrocketed since this thing was inked. Last year rates went up an average of 8%. Now specific increases are hard to define because of all the variables. But 8% seems to be a common average people are using. 2017 is the big year however - most insurers are projecting double digit increases.

What I find totally fascinating is how so many people, especially those who voted for this guy (twice), are letting him off the hook. Letting him off the hook for all the sophism, propaganda, and out and out lies that were told when this was being sold. We were all going to save on the average of $2,500/family. Where is it? Is the check in the mail? If we like our insurer, we can keep that insurer. Tell that to the customers of United Healthcare and other providers who have pulled out of the exchanges. 

It seems the doomsday soothsayers of a few years ago might prove to be correct. The stage has been set for a massive collapse of how our health care system is now structured. That has been the plan. Because of the unsustainable nature of ObamaCare, the Feds will swoop in to rescue it. By "pulling it up by it roots" as Donald Trump has said? No. Replacing it will a European type single payer system. Hello rationing.

So, I am sorry nurses. You don't deserve to get hosed on your premiums. You are kind of like kids who made a bad choice and now the parent needs to ask, "Have you learned your lesson?" As staunch union types, probably not. The kool aide at Club Obama is just too sweet. 

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