Friday, June 10, 2016

Dire Straights

"But this is year is much different. It is almost like a dream - or should I say nightmare."

It has been many a year since I have been excited about a Presidential election. I suppose some of that had to do with the very weak candidates the Republicans have put up as nominees. Even though the nominees on the other ticket did not look very impressive, our guys were much less so. In fact in the 2000 elections, we were only a hanging chad or two away from President Gore. All in all, it has been a tough ride since the days of Ronald Reagan.

But this is year is much different. It is almost like a dream - or should I say nightmare. Donald Trump seems to be only one misstep away from a total implosion. More and more people in the middle, as well as on the right, are starting to wonder if Trump has the right stuff. Again going back to the Reagan era, we had a President who had temperament. Slow to anger, yet very decisive. A man who LISTENED to his advisers. From what I have seen so far, I am afraid that Donald Trump might be the polar opposite of Ronald Reagan. 

Now that the current POTUS has endorsed Hillary, I think there is less than a snowball's chance that the weight of her e-mails or the unanswered questions about Benghazi, will bring her down. No, she is going to be the nominee after the convention, and unless things change in the very near term, she will smoke Trump in the general election. And then we will have big, big problems.

When I woke up and watched the news this morning, the first thing I saw were the two Barry's, walking together at the White House. Then that gnawing in my gut started once again. How in the world did we get to this point? In a nation of well over 300 million people, this is it? The three left standing are an ancient Socialist, a 70 year old real estate guy with a smash mouth temper, and a woman who has been bought and paid for by just about every special interest in the world.

Bottom line - this nation is in deep, deep do-do. Or just plain dire straights. Some of my conservative friends say not to worry - our nation is bigger than just one President. To that I must disagree. Look at the fundamental change that Obama has done in the past eight years. It would take years to repair the damage with the right leadership. Hillary is just going to give us more of the same - maybe worse.

So stand by folks. Let me just give you a sneak peek at what is in our future under President Clinton, rebooted. ObamaCare will morph into single payer. Premiums will become so high, there will be no choice. Cap and Trade will be the next push. The War on Coal will continue, and probably intensify. Energy will start to become prohibitively expensive. Our national debt will continue on its path towards 25 trillion dollars. NINJNA loans will be back, and the banks will once again be trading in toxic assets. The world will continue to teeter on the brink of a global financial meltdown.

I wish I could put some lipstick on this pig, but I can't. The future under President Clinton looks butt ugly. And I would like to draw out a scenario where there would be a President Trump, and he would fix many of the things that are broken. But I can't.

Dire straights. No other words I can come up with to describe our status. And just like in Benghazi, help is not coming.     

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