Friday, June 24, 2016

Globalist Nightmare

"Well quaff a pint and choke down an English breakfast! Who could have seen this one coming? The damn thing passed!"  

Earlier in the week, a very respected local economist was on a radio station discussing the chances of a BREXIT (Britain leaving the EU). He said the "odds makers", the ones who really knew what they were talking about, now gave the vote to leave a slim chance of success - like about 15%. In fact, our Commander-in-Chief even weighed in. He was strongly against it. As a globalist, he wanted more of a one world government - not less.

Well quaff a pint and choke down an English breakfast! Who could have seen this one coming? The damn thing passed! And here some reasons why. Terrorism. Immigration. Open borders. Weak economies. Nationalism. In short, the great experiment, of making the European continent homogeneous in so many ways, has not worked out so well.

One of the things that has really bothered the more successful Northern European countries are the PIGS. And PIGS is a very appropriate acronym for Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain. All of these countries have huge debt problems, with Greece being the worse. This has caused huge concern and consternation within the Euro Zone. That being said, according to reports this morning, PIGS was not the primary reason for the vote.

According to some of the reports I saw and read about this morning, the main culprits were the growing threat of terrorism, immigration and open borders. The Brits have seen what has been happening on the main continent, and want no part of it. And who can blame them?

When the markets open this morning, hold on to your britches. Right after the vote was announced last night, the Dow futures fell almost 800 points. Global markets could need a reset by the time the dust settles. Also there is now speculation that other EU countries might want out. Like  I say, hold on to your britches.

I have always told my kids to be aware of history when it is being made. The good, the bad and sometimes the ugly. Right now we are living in a historical moment. No matter if you are a globalist or favor an independence solution, this is history.

Sorry Mr. President, sorry world globalists - this time the people have spoken loud and clear. Freedom for Britain, once again!  

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