Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Money at risk

"We got played big time. By the village idiot. And he played us. Who? Goofy! He NEVER intended to give us back a red cent of the surplus."

Have you ever had that sick feeling when in the morning and you need to get out the door, and then you can't locate your wallet. Like most of us, that is where our driver's licence, credit cards, and yes cash, reside. In those few panic struck moments, when you are tearing up the house, you start thinking the worst. Did I leave it someplace? Everything that is in your wallet, including your money, is now at risk. And then when you find it lodged behind a cushion in the sofa, a huge sigh of relief flows through your body. You have not even left for work as yet, and already you have had the best day possible.

What is the point Bird? Why tell this story? As I was out cutting grass this afternoon (one of the two best places in the house I do my best thinking), it hit me like a bolt out of the blue. We got played big time. By the village idiot. And he played us. Who? Goofy! He NEVER intended to give us back a red cent of the surplus. Remember the surplus? The money saved by our over payment of tax dollars.

Even if 100% of the tax bill was designated to go to Little Sisters of the Poor to feed the needy, Dayton would have still played the pocket veto. From the get-go, the tax bill was going to be nothing more than a bargaining chip. Period. How do I know? Our Goofy Governor is a statist. Not just a little bit, through and through he is a rock solid progressive. As such, that money in the surplus belongs to the ruling elite - and him. The ones who know best. The bitter clingers? They would just blow it on themselves and their families. 

Let me tell you what is going to happen. Between now and the next session, much of the surplus is going to "disappear". Some will be due to Dayton accounting gimmicks. Some due to poor record keeping in our state government. And some due to the continual flight of money out of our state. 

Here is the nut of this story. Money in the hands of the government is at risk. Just like a lost wallet, money not in your control might never be seen again. But here is the difference between a thief who takes money out of your wallet and the government who keeps your surplus tax dollars. At least the thief knows he is a thief. The government thinks you are the thief. You are stealing from the state what should be rightfully yours. Good flipping grief...

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