Wednesday, June 8, 2016

So it begins....

"Today - no big shakes. Hillary is as dirty a Pig Pen, but nobody seems to care."

This morning I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it is not from just getting over the 24 hour stomach bug. Seeing that picture of Hillary, arms stretched out like she is the conquering queen, hit me like a two by four. This fraud, this user, this elitist, just might be our next President. And what do we have to stand in her way? A 70 year old real estate guy who has never even run for dog catcher.

Then I start to think, have we done it to ourselves again? In a land where there are thousands of good young conservatives, of constitutionally minded stalwarts, how can we keep putting up people like Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney?  And now Donald Trump? Are our ranks that depleted? 

We have sure come a long, long way since Watergate. When Nixon resigned in shame, the country felt shame also. For this very minor crime, the country turned its collective back on its President. Today - no big shakes. Hillary is as dirty a Pig Pen, but nobody seems to care. When her husband spilled some of his bodily fluids on the dress of a intern n the Oval Office, nobody seemed to care. 

Next month we have both conventions to endure. The press, once hopeful the event in Cleveland would turn out to be a cage match, is now resigned to the fact it will be three shades of boredom. The convention in Philadelphia might also be a bore if Bernie bows under pressure to tow the line. And once they are both over, we will go from "presumptive" to "actual" nominees.

The news print is already saying this campaign will be gender based. Really? And I suppose the sun is going to rise in the east tomorrow. Mitt was taken apart by the Loons on the Left for a casual remark about "having manila folders of qualified women". All of a sudden, that became the Republican "War on Women". What in the world will they do to Donald Trump? All it is going to take is one explosion by Trump when he is on the debate stage with Hillary, and we will be off to the races. Trump will be painted by the press as something worse than Satan.

I am just hoping that Trump is smart enough to pull a rabbit out of his hat. This is now the big leagues. The "win at all cost" Democratic machine is coming after him hammer and tong. To win the day against Hillary, he will need to be a whole lot more Presidential, without losing the essence of Trump. In other words, he is going to have to be in a place that he has never in his life been before.

One more thing. And this I heard yesterday on a news show. By a pundit who I admire. Because of the "win at any cost" strategy the Democrats have each election, kiss any thoughts of a grand jury indictment good bye. Obama will not allow the AG to pursue it. Nope. Like I said, we have come a long, long way from Watergate. 

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your brave new world. And this one will be far worse than anything Orwellian.   

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