Friday, June 3, 2016

Status Quo Thinking

"ObamaCare has taken our national health care and instead of giving it a tuneup, has traded it in for a clunker."

The other day I penned an article about today's new Captains of Industry. How refreshing it is to see some people, albeit very few, think and vision like there is no fence nor boundary in their heads. And then today I was thinking about the other 99% of our leaders, especially in politics. Status quo, inside the box thinking. Go along, come along. Blah, blah, blah.

Oh, how I miss the days of the 60's. Not the social upheaval. I miss the NASA we once had. When President Kennedy said at the beginning of the decade we would put a man on the moon before the decade was over, nobody, and I mean nobody, had a clue how we were going to do it. And yet in July of 1969, we did it. Instead of just thinking about making the next quarter look good, the nation back then was thinking in terms of a decade.

For the most part, we have become a nation of closed minded thinkers. We have an imagination deficit. We have lost the ability to dream. To push the limits. To try something new. Want an example? Higher education. Everyone is wringing their hands and bemoaning the cost and associated debt with getting a college degree. And yet there is not one soul who is trying to figure out how to educate our young people for a fraction of the cost. Getting the same or better education for a heck of a lot less. Nope. We just sit back and watch cost go up 8% every year.

ObamaCare is another great example. Did this government takeover of our healthcare industry reduce costs? Nope. Still going up. So what has changed? Nothing. Are people still going uninsured? Yep. ObamaCare has taken our national health care and instead of giving it a tuneup, has traded it in for a clunker.

There are so many more I could list here this article would look more like a novel. But I think you get the picture.

Maybe in our immigration system we should have a special visa issued for people who are visionary. Who love to think and live way, way outside the box. We need leaders. Real, honest to gosh leaders. People of vision and clarity and yes, charisma. We have had enough charlatans thank you. Now can we please get out of this box.

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