Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Worse than Trivia Crack

"Before I come across as one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet, I need to confess one of those cell phones was mine. And yes - I am addicted to mine."

Interesting experience on Easter Sunday. After Sunday dinner was over, some of us retired to the kitchen table. There was some tepid conversation, but the concentration was directed other places. Actually, towards the table itself. Now keep in mind, the total number of people invited to this dinner was 6. And there were 5 cell phones sitting on the kitchen table. People checking FB, e-mail, or whatever. That is when it hit me - these things (cell phones) are like crack. No - they are worse than Trivia Crack.

Before I come across as one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet, I need to confess one thing. One of those cell phones was mine. Yes - I am also addicted to mine. In fact, I am very fond of my new cell phone. I can get the latest news, watch a Youtube video, view some channels from my home TV, check my "invaluable" email, look at and respond to social media, play games, and whatever. Yes, in those rare occasions, I can even make or receive a phone call. 

That is when it hit me once again. These little things, less than the size of a pack of smokes, have changed our lives - forever. Not just by a little, but by a lot. I was going to make fun of my wife for how many times she checks her device every day. Then I realized I am worse - far worse. I am also addicted to the "crack" of cell phones. And I was never like this when I was in the "work a day" world. But I sure am now.

As I am penning this, my cell phone is "pinging" with point to point communications. I am not going to answer them as I am finishing this. But that is another thing our cell phones offer - IM (Instant Messaging). And I am a willing participant to that also.

Today I was waiting for my wife at her bi-annual eye doctor appointment. Was I sitting there reading War and Peace or something worthwhile? Nope - I was playing Trivia Crack with people I have never met. And why was I doing that? It is a time waster - and I kind of enjoy it. Okay - I am hooked into that game like Slotomania

I am will now say something very impolitic. The next time you feel yourself being pulled into the vortex of checking your cell phone, know this - there are many of us with the same addiction. At my age I should know better. However, as a later day nerd - I am enjoying the technology. 

As much as I would like to close this out as a typical old guy, my cell phone just "pinged" and I need to take care of this "point to point" conversation. Yes, I am addicted to this type of "crack". But that is just me.


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