Thursday, July 28, 2016

Absolute Power

"Well a funny thing happens when you have been warming the same seat for 22 years. You make friends, Crony friends."

Wow! This campaign season, albeit young, has taught me quite a bit. Like the difference between idealism and reality. In other words, let me say it like it is. Once you are in, you are in. How you vote, how long you have been in, mean very little. In fact (this one might be hard to believe), up in HD 31B which is one of the reddest of the red House Districts, we have a big problem. Statists and careerists are in the area out door knocking for the one who the BPOU decided not to endorse. The one who's time is up.

Well a funny thing happens when you have been warming the same seat for 22 years. You acquire friends, crony friends. Friends who will forget about the basic principles that sent them to St. Paul in the first place. Too Cryptic? Okay, I will make this more blunt. Tom Hackbarth, who has nesting in his seat for 22 years, was voted out by his BPOU earlier this year. Rather than bowing out gracefully and supporting the endorsed winner (CAL BAHR), Hackbarth is taking this race to the primary.

Ready for this? This is the most painful part. Tom Hackbarth, after losing the endorsement, has been resurrected by the power elite. And who is that? To start with, the most powerful Republican in the state - the Speaker of the House. Plus (and this is also a big one), he has the House Majority Leader out door knocking in our area - not hers!  

One final thing which I think to be addressed. Something that Donald Trump talks about all the time. Cronyism. Trust me - I can tell an idiot from a poser. CALVIN BAHR is one of the most qualified candidates I have ever met. To use an old statement, Cal is "wicked smart"! And many of the "established" reps and senators are afraid to support Cal. It is like Cal is toxic. Why? The system. The crony system. They don't want someone as Constitutionally smart as Cal is. They don't want to "rock the boat". In other words - they want a "good old boy".

Here is a news flash. Many of us want someone to go to Washington and kick over some tables. We also want this crap (and that is the most PC word I can use), OVER in St. Paul. The slime, the sleaze, the lobbyists.

For example, if I were friends of an established rep or senator from another district, I would NEVER be out door knocking for someone who was not endorsed. NEVER! I believe too much in the established process. The one which we all signed up to follow.

Most of us had parents who told us the same thing while growing up - actions have consequences. Elected people who are advocating for counterfeit candidates rather than endorsed candidates, should have real consequences. If CAL BAHR loses because of this outside interference from our own party, I will say this. Home may be where the heart is, but it will not be where the support is. And I will work tirelessly to oust any power monger who violates this most sacred trust.

There you have it. A perfect example of the age old axiom which we should all live by. Absolute power corrupts and power corrupts absolutely. Happens every time where power goes unchecked. And trust me - we, the people, are watching.  

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