Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The most powerful people...

"And why would I say such an inane thing on a beautiful day such as this? Three words - Ruth Bader Ginsburg." 

Like most of us, if we were on a quiz show and the question came up on who was the most powerful man or woman in the world, we would say the current POTUS. And most would agree with us. However I have been thinking about this for a while. And I think the answer might be wrong. The most powerful men or women in this country are members of SCOTUS.

And why would I say such an inane thing on a beautiful day such as this? Three words - Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Yep, the little old lady for Pasadena (or where ever she is from). She said (at least in the public), she is moving to Tim Buck Two, New Zealand, or someplace, if Donald J. Trump becomes President. All that is fine and good except for one minor thing - the members of our SCOTUS are supposed to be NON-POLITICAL!

Why is this all so important? The SCOTUS was formed to be a very minor part of our government. Why we give some of these butt heads a lifetime appointment, is way, way beyond me. But we do. And Justice Ginsburg is a poster child for what is wrong with our process.

We can have a real, real crappy President (you know - like right now), and we are rid of him (or her) in eight years. But SCOTUS? They can be here for what seems to be forever, gumming up the works. And there is very little we can do to get rid of them. Once they are in, they are pretty much in.

What have we found out by our current SCOTUS that they can skirt the Constitution or any part of the Bill or Rights should they chose to. And therein lies the problem. All they are supposed to do is ensure the laws that Congress makes makes are aligned with our Constitution. And our Congress is supposed to ensure that any law is IAW that 240+ year old document! 

So what can we do when Ginsburg starts acting like the activist she once was? Nada. Put up with it. Lifetime appointments really suck don't they? It is like being in a marriage where there is no divorce clause. We are stuck with this loser (along with the "wise old Latino") and Kagen until the cows come home. I suppose we could try and impeach them, but then the train would really come off the tracks. 

So who are the most powerful people in the world? Our Supreme Court - because we have allowed them to be. They are now like Kings, Queens or Emperors. They can last for something just short of forever. Presidents of these United States? They come and go. But the Supreme Court? They are almost last for eternity!

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