Monday, July 25, 2016

The Democrat Iconoclast

"In a different way, Bernie also wanted to go "into the Washington system" and kick over some tables. To fix some of the corruption."

Rumor (well it is more than rumor) has it that Bernie really sold his soul when he backed Hillary Clinton. I have said since the get-go of the campaign season, there was NOTHING in common between Sanders and Clinton. And I mean NOTHING. Actually, even though Bernie would never admit this, he has more in common with Donald Trump than he does with Hillary Clinton.

In a different way, Bernie also wanted to go "into the Washington system" and kick over some tables. To fix some of the corruption. He does not like the way his adopted party (that be the Democratic Party, since Bernie is a socialist) has turned out. Seems that Ms. Clinton, like many other establishment Democrats, have become very cozy with Wall Street. Not only Wall Street, but the big money in Hollywood also. So much for the "little guy".

Bernie also suspected the system might be rigged during the primaries. Okay - I will use the not so delicate words that Bernie did not. He got screwed royally. He started to suspect that Hillary's BFF (Debbie WS) might be behind some of these shenanigans. But he still hung in there. And the pressure started to build. "Bernie, for the good of the party, you need to suspend! Endorse the inevitable one, Hillary. Don't worry, she will adopt some of your pet rocks in return for your favor." So Bernie finally acquiesced. 

This weekend, when the Wikileaks emails showed up, I was wondering if Bernie thought he might have been had. I sure do. This does not mean I agree with any of Bernie's policy's - I do not. But he is a darn sight more honest than Hillary. Plus, I would also be seething right now if I was a Bernie supporter. And I would be looking for someone who may have different policies than I like, but had vowed to go into Washington with both guns blazing. Hint: That would not be Hillary.

So I am sorry Bernie. Time for you to go now. It is too bad however - we need more people who are iconoclasts. This go along, come along cadre of crony capitalists on both sides of the aisle has got to stop. Ted Cruz would have been an excellent iconoclast. We can only hope that Donald Trump stays true to his word and he is one also. 

One more thing before I close. Another main stream Republican penned a letter to the editor this morning expressing (in his opinion) why Hillary would make a better President than Trump. Again, this is the problem. The virus has spread deep in that town, and has hit both sides of the aisle. The R's and D's are wearing different uniforms, yet are playing on the same side of the field. And that field is called corruption. Of course main stream Republicans want Hillary - she is one of them.

Looking forward, I will say this. These next four years are going to reshape our country one way or another. If Hillary wins, the ship is really going to hit the sand with the "little guy". The social unrest will be off the charts. Only this time much the unrest will be coming from the Right. From the patriots. From the makers.

Buckle up. These next four years truly will be ones "which will try men's souls." 

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