Thursday, July 14, 2016

ACA Death Spiral?

"ObamaCare, with all its warts and bruises, passed without a single Republican vote. In other words, this Rosemary's Baby belonged solely to the Democrats." 

Very interesting letter in the op/ed section of the paper this morning. It was actually kind of comical. It had to do with our favorite topic - ObamaCare. Or as some called it - the ACA. The letter was written by some egghead professor down in Iowa. It was not a tongue in cheek letter - this professor is deeply worried the wheels are coming off this most prized program. And whose fault is it? You win the prize if you guessed it was those rascally Republicans!

First, a bit of ObamaCare history (as I remember it). When this thing was being hatched shortly after the "Great One" took office, he and Miss Nancy over in the House had it all figured out. The Republicans, although not a fan of this mess, wanted in. If we in fact were going to have this new entitlement, the Republicans wanted some cost control measures. After all, this thing was being sold by the Administration as the "affordable" care act. 

Nope. Miss Nancy wanted NOTHING to do with those changes! Like being able to buy insurance from other states. Or (this is the big one), having some kind of limitation of liability on healthcare providers. Well the lawyers association, long time bed fellows with the Democrats, hated that one! So that did not sell either. When the Republicans found out all their ideas were getting shut out, they backed away. ObamaCare, with all its warts and bruises, passed without a single Republican vote. In other words, this Rosemary's Baby belonged solely to the Democrats.

Back to the article. The author quoted someone from Politico who nailed a main reason why ObamaCare is not working well. And it has to do with the cash cow to keep this thing going. That would be the young and healthy folks who need to pay up. It seems also that many were "gaming" the system. Signing up during the grace period, using all sorts of medical care, and then stopped paying premiums. You know - let someone else pick up the tab. 

Well to make a long story short, this patchwork quilt called ObamaCare (don't forget - many of the patches were put in by Obama without going through Congress) has entered a death spiral. And if Congress does not act (and soon!), the beloved ACA could go the way of history. What would replace it? Unknown at this time.

However, folks on the Left really want the ACA to be superseded by a single payer system. That would fixed just about everything. It would also bankrupt the country, but who cares? Folks on the Right of course, want this ACA removed from our system the way a cancerous tumor is removed from a person. Get rid of it and replace it with something that is sustainable.

There have been a great many who have seen this coming for years now. They were looked upon by the press as nothing more than sore losers or Chicken Little people. But it seems they were right.

How important is this next election? Besides the balance of the Supreme Court, it will also decide if we have single payer or a health care system which works. Ponder that before November.  

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