Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Take us with you, Texas!

"Sure they were a sovereign state for almost 10 years until they were annexed by the growing and fledgling United States. Sure they have an independent streak a mile wide."

As most of us know, some in Texas have believed for years that should they ever decide to do so, they can secede from the Union. It makes for good print and that is about it. Sure they were a sovereign state for almost 10 years until they were annexed by the growing and fledgling United States. Sure they have an independent streak a mile wide. And yes if it were not for Alaska, Texas would be looked at as our largest state.

This morning in the editorial section of the paper, some knucklehead wrote a letter admonishing those in Texas who long to be independent. He painted a picture of gloom and doom where the ex-patriots who live there would no longer be able to collect Social Security or Medicare. They would have to supply their own defense (against truculent neighbors like Mexico). That the immigration problem would have to be fixed by them, with no help (like there is any) from the federal government.

Then to add insult to injury, this editorial writer said that NASA would completely pull out of Texas and move back to Florida. Plus, all the oil wells could just sit idle as we would now be getting all our oil from our new friends up in North Dakota. Finally, when the Mexicans invade and take back what they believe is rightfully theirs, the Texans better get used to speaking Spanish.

Here are the facts as I see them - slightly different than the editorial letter. First like I said before, it ain't going to happen. But just for the sake of discussion, we will pretend it did. We would not "throw Texas overboard" if they left the Union. We would recognize them as sovereign, and have excellent treaty obligations with them. You know, just like we do with every other country (sans Cuba) in our neighborhood.

Next, we would trade with them. They would still be pumping oil, and we would still be buying it. The Americans who live there, or who move there, would be able to collect Social Security and have some kind of Medicare benefits. Just like American citizens now who choose to retire outside of the country. 

Why does this issue keep coming up about Texas? For the single reason why so many people love this state. After almost eight years of Obama, most of us just sit around and grumble about the growing socialization of our great country. Not Texas - they often are leading the charge to take on this rouge Administration.

Plus, the Texans are fiercely independent. Always have been. And that draws people to that state like a light attracts moths at night.

What I will say to our brothers and sisters who live in Texas - keep up the good work. You are a pain in the ass to Washington, and that is how we like it. You continue to set the bar high for the rest of us. Showing us a good example. Showing us a fierce independence that we have not seen for a country now for over 200 years.

I will close with this. Should decided to leave us Texas, remember one thing. Please take us with you! 

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