Thursday, July 21, 2016

The she that we are starting to know...

"And so many on the Loonie Left have dipped into the kool aide, the magic mushrooms, or whatever, to believe her stick."

Today we were out looking at different things up by the Canadian border. As nice as it was, on the way back to our rented condo, I started thinking once again about the convention. Not ours - it is all over but the balloons dropping. No, I was thinking about next week in Philadelphia. When the "presumptive" candidate becomes the real thing.

Why in the world would I spend the time on vacation to think about that phony? Because she is just that. And so many on the Loonie Left have dipped into the kool aide, the magic mushrooms, or whatever, to believe her stick. Well here is the bottom line. Many people say that Trump has no government experience. That is true. But Hillary does not have real experience either. Not any experience worth bragging about that is.

But we do know this much about "Crooked Hillary". She is a gold digger. And she may in fact be "Crooked". When she talks about the number of miles she flew as the SOS, that is an "activity", not an accomplishment. We do however, know this much about Mrs. Clinton. She hosed up Libya, set Benghazi on fire resulting in the deaths of four brave Americans, and pissed off Putin so bad the Cold War seems to be back on. Other than that, she logged tens of thousands of miles on her private jet.

Plus Hillary (you throwback to the 60's), you ignored all our security procedures for protecting our classified information. And by the way, MA'AM, the information you compromised was OURS, not YOURS to be caviler with! You have used and abused our systems of government ever since you and Bill came on the scene. In fact so badly, it should (really should!) be criminal.

So you think you are fit to be our next President just because you are a female. Another "historic first" just like the last guy. And we can see where that got us. Rather than be President, most of us think you deserve jail time. But that won't happen. Remember, the system is rigged. Just take the millions that you and Bill have made by influence peddling and get the hell out of here. Like I said, you should be prosecuted, but nobody here has the guts to do so.

The more I think about this woman ever setting foot in the White House again, the more I warm up to the Trump/Pence ticket. Face facts - there is no third way out. If we don't get Trump elected, we will have a woman who (as someone said in the convention), "could not even pass a background check" as our next Commander in Chief. Good flipping grief! 

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